Author: mike ahuja
Dental Floss Before or After Brushing
When Should I Use Dental Floss Exactly? Imagine you’re laying back in the dental chair when they ask, “How often do you brush and floss your teeth?” Even if you keep up with a perfect dental routine, you may stress that you aren’t tending to your teeth as much as you could, or you might […]
Dealing With Baby Bottle Tooth Decay
Even though they are just temporary baby teeth, your baby’’s baby teeth are vital, and are still able to get cavities. Baby bottle tooth decay in infants, babies and toddlers is often called as Baby Bottle Tooth Decay, or Early Childhood Caries. Baby’s need strong, healthy teeth to chew their food, speak and have a […]
Chewing Gum is Healthy for Teeth and Gums — Prevents Cavities
Medical studies have proven that chewing sugarfree gum for 20 minutes following meals can help prevent tooth decay. The chewing of sugar free gum increases the amount of saliva, which washes and pushes away food and other particles, neutralizing and breaking down acids produced by negative bacteria in the mouth and gives support in disease […]
Foods That Benefit Dental Health
Have you ever wondered what are the best foods for a healthy smile? We all know what foods foods are very horrible but what are those amazing foods that can bring your smile to wonders. The phrase that comes to mind as I write this blog post, is you really are what you eat. With […]